why choose us for projects!
Services We offer
The trained technicians at Authorized Commercial Roofing (ACR) won’t compromise your roof’s integrity. They’ll also respond quickly and reliably to address all your leaks and immediate needs. We provide thorough documentation, including detailed photography, of everything we do. With ACR’s roof maintenance and repair service, our customers can rest assured that their facility’s roofs will be carefully managed by our highly trained and experienced roof service technicians.
Our team specializes in assisting you through the claim process with your insurance carrier. This begins with an on-site evaluation to assess if any evidence of storm damage exists. If there is any indication of damage caused by a storm on site, further testing will be done to determine if a claim should be filed. This process includes thermal imaging, core samples, test squares, and multiple weather report services. Once this process is complete, a recommendation will be discussed to see if a claim should be filed. If a claim is filed, we will assist you through the process with your carrier as an expert in your corner working for you.
“We built Beautifully with the best possible materials and resources”
- Henry scott, ceo
How we became best among others?
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- Quality Control System, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- Highly Professional Staff, Accurate Testing Processes
- Unrivalled workmanship, Professional and Qualified
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We believe building long lasting
Good Happy Business Relationships.
WE Guarantee the work
Authorized Commercial Roofing offers a 2-year warranty for all new installations and repair work, separate from the manufacturer’s warranty. See service agreement for terms.
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Insurance Claims
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lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum
We Service The Entire State of Georgia
Authorized Commercial Roofing walks you through the entire process of getting a new roof system installed from start to finish. From initial visual inspections and consultation, to building out a comprehensive scope of work with acceptance from either you or your insurance carrier, to managing on-site project demands and quality workmanship, your project and communication of its progress will give you peace of mind. Our customers understand what they’re getting, why it’s best for their situation, and how their warranty protects them for years to come.
Based on your initial inspection and then consultation, we will provide options specific to you. Most of our customers allow us to navigate the process with their insurance carrier, which ensures no damage is overlooked, and no materials are missed and no scope of work is minimized.
The majority of our work is done with insurance carriers and is at no cost to our customers other than possibly their deductible. We use estimating software that the insurance carriers use, so our rates are their rates, which gets rid of any haggling or inflated prices. Our primary focus is to ensure the proper scope of work is approved based on what the roof system needs, and nothing less.
When our customers aren’t going the insurance route and are paying out of pocket, we give them many cost saving options as well. These include partial replacements, repairs, or overlays. We also partner with many different manufacturers so we can get the lowest material cost at the time of the project and pass that savings on to you.
Serving the entire state of Georgia with commercial roof replacements, repairs, and maintenance programs. Authorized to perform work with almost all major manufacturers, our customers are able to select the proper roof system that best fits their needs. Not sure if you’ve experienced storm damage from a recent hail or wind event? Contact us for an inspection and we’ll provide a report on the condition of your roof system with no strings attached!